My housemates reported that all was quiet at my house while we were gone, there was no half drunk shotgun toting pissed off ex-boyfriend screaming in the front yard (OK, maybe that's a bit overly dramatic, but my imagination runs away with me). Jim has had a few days to cool off - so I suspect that we'll be OK. We will - I promise - steer very clear of him.
Yesterday there was a party at Leslie’s house. She and two other housemates live in Santa Cruz in a rented house, not far from the beach. She joined my former company a few months ago. A bunch of folks from the company were invited, Dave (former boss man who fired my ass) who would usually have been included in a gathering like this was conspicuously absent. It would have been normal for Jim (Lynn's ex) to be there as well - but he was thankfully not there.
It was a pot-luck affair and Lynn and I went together. We checked out of our secret undisclosed location and went over to my house saturday afternoon with the fixings for a huge salad. She set to work in the kitchen. I asked if there was anything that I could do.
“Yes,” she replied. “You can get undressed and get in bed.” She smiled slyly.
I walked around behind her. Kissed her neck and gave her a gentle squeeze on the bottom. “You don’t have to ask twice” I said.
I trotted off to my bedroom leaving a trail of clothes for her to follow. I didn’t have to wait long. When she entered the room, she was wearing just a baby blue camisole with white lace fringes and matching tap pants.

We arrived at the party fashionably late.
There was lots of good food and drink at the party. Much of the gossip was centered around the evil H and K (hatchet men destroying my former employer) and what they would do with the company, and Lynn’s new job.
The party died down around 1:00 a.m. The less than sober (including me and Lynn) were given places to sleep. Lynn and I camped out on the floor in front of the fireplace in the living room. Once the house was quiet, we began to play yet again – careful to stay under the blanket, as we were in a public area.
The next morning, we were awoken by the chatting of folks on the couch. It seems that we had gathered an audience. We had our clothes spread out in a circle around us. Lynn pulled the blanket up to her chin.
Linda was sitting in a recliner near the door drinking a cup of coffee. She smiled at us and said “Good morning, you two. It’s so good to see that you got together.”
“Was it obvious?” I asked.
“Really obvious” she replied, smiling.
We chatted a bit more. But it was getting awkward, as more people were gathering in the living room. We picked up out clothes and wrapped the blanket around ourselves and stumbled to the bathroom.
The bathroom had an old fashioned claw footed tub, with a rainspout shower head. We took a long hot shower together, got dressed and joined the rest of the folks.
There were about 10 people and we decided to go for a Sunday brunch. Unfortunately, the cuisine that was chosen was Mexican. Somehow, half hungover I could not get enthused about a breakfast burrito. Lynn agreed with me, but to be social we went along.
After brunch we drove back to the valley, stopping in Los Gatos and Campbell to look at apartments for Lynn. That Los Gatos is really nice, but pretty expensive. I’m guessing that Lynn ends up there.
Note that I say "Lynn ends up there" - as in singular, and not "we end up there". I'd be happy to start living in sin tomorrow - but she tells me that she can't do that now. That's OK - I'm happy to give her all the time and space she needs.
When she goes to move out, have her go with someone, preferably a police officer. She should NOT go alone. If he's pissed off and has guns, then things can get ugly, and very quickly.
(She also needs a restraining order against er ex, if she hasn't gotten one already)
I've had to deal with what she is going through before (both personally and with friends and family), and she is in my prayers.
*sigh* what a mini honeymoon. Did you feel like a teenager palying with Lynn on the floor in someone else's house? I love a little danger (of being caught in the act).
If you two are that worried about Jim, it is a clear red flag that there should be a restraining order in place. I agree with Arch that Lynn should not go withiout the police to retrieve her belongings from Jim's house. I cannot stress enough how dangerous that will be. Play it smart and take every precaution possible.
All the info given by the other commenters is good. I will say this: You cannot save her as much as you want to and if she is the "one" for you, be careful not to end up on the savior role. That could make you become rebound guy. Give her the space to save herself. Let her figure this out. It willbe better for you in the long run.
Arch, Violet, We have the move taken care of. We have a mutual friend that will make sure Jim is away so we can get all her things.
Petunia, I hope you're reading it wrong. I'm really just trying to be a good friend and lover - not a savior.
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