Tuesday, February 24

I got the job!

The offers come rolling in (finally). Yes, yesterday I got 2 offers for employment at companies that I would like to work for, and jobs that would be fun to do.

So, how to decide. Job A – it is at a small start-up at an office park in San Jose – located in a nondescript office park on Zanker Rd to be specific. They are offering a pretty good salary and a lot of stock options. The company is in the area of internet security and was founded by one of the luminaries of the internet boom. He is seriously rich from his last two start-ups. He brought the executive VP, and the director of marketing with him. There are 12 guys in the company – all are founders. I would be the first non-founder hired into the company. If they are anywhere near as successful as they have in the past – that should actually make me rich. My headhuntress tells me that the salary is a bit low, but the stock options are much better than she has seen for others in similar positions. There would be virtually no social life here. But the work would be a lot of fun.

Job B – is at a large company in South San Jose. You have heard of this company – even if you are not in the technology field. There are about four thousand folks at the location where I would be working. The commute from Lynn’s new apartment (at least the one I think she will settle on) is really easy. Perhaps I’m being presumptuous that I will be spending a lot of time there, but I have a feeling. The salary there is about 10% more, which is nice, but the stock options there are a bit limited. The company is really stable and the job should be quite safe. But there is little upside – no possibility of getting rich. The work would be fun.

How do you decide between two really good choices? I’ve never been good at this. When I go through one door, the other will close, permanently. It’s the permanence that bothers me. OK - commitment phobic? I guess, with a little indecisiveness thrown in. I need to sleep on this. I’ve told both hiring manager’s that I will decide and get back to them on Wednesday.


Violet said...

YAY, YAY, YAY *throws both hands up in the air to cheer for you* YAY! See, I told you, you would be okay! I am very happy for you. I couldn't give you the first suggestion on which job to pick cause I am in a completely different field, but I am sure that whatever you end up choosing will be great. YAY!!!

Petunia said...

Where can you see yourself still working in 5 years and go there! Make sure you like the commute from your place, too.

ArchangelDecker said...

What about taking job #2 and the 10% extra and investing that?

Money isn't everything and I know I for one would not be ok if a job seriously cut into time with my husband.

Good luck on whatever you decide and congrats on the offers! I am so envious! :)



Maurizio said...

Way to go, Rich. Now you can buy the scotch!

Rich said...

Violet, Thanks!

Petunia, I'm not worried about the commute - and I'm not making any assumptions about where I'll be staying. I'll give her all the space she needs.

Arch, you're right, time with our loved ones is more important than money

Maurizio, Yeah - drinks are on me! Let's celebrate!