Minnesota in January - call it punishment.
On Tuesday Dave called me into his cube. “Rich, I need you and Eric to go do the install in Minneapolis. The customer is complaining about support and the sales engineers can’t handle this. They’re not trained on the new version and we can’t screw this one up. I need you there Monday morning. Call travel and get yourself tickets.”
I got myself a nice NW flight from SFO to MSP leaving at noon and getting in 6:20 p.m. Booked a room at the W Hotel (yeah, I like those) and got a car. I actually like the travel and a few more frequent flyer miles are always welcome. I’d usually stay a couple of extra days, but Minneapolis in January is brutal. I do have a lot of capeline that I use under a drysuit for kayaking and windsurfing so warmth should not be too much of a problem. Still, the temperature is predicted to get up to 17 degrees on Monday.
At least I’ll be away from Dave for a while.
On Wednesday, Dave stopped by my cube. “Hey, Rich” he called. “I talked to travel and we need to move you from the W to the Courtyard.”
“I know you always like to stay at Ws, but the courtyard is half the price. We need to keep the expenses down.”
Oh well, courtyards are kinda decent hotels – things could be worse.
On Thursday Dave caught me in the hallway, “Hey Rich” he called, “we needed to change your flights. You are on a United flight out at 10 p.m. through Chicago. It was 1/3rd the price of the old ticket. Sorry Guy, but this is a new travel policy – if there is any fare $100 less than your current ticket we need to switch your flights. " He smiled. I really believe that he is taking some amount of satisfaction from this.
It is actually an 11:35 p.m. flight that gets into Chicago at 5 a.m. with a connection that gets me in to Minneapolis at 8:30 a.m.
Then I need to work all day.
Wow, what a downgrade.
That Dave is a fucken prick!!! All this shit will come back to bite him in the ass eventually!
He is the stuff nightmares are made of.
Yeah, he's a butthead. And he wraps it all in company policies, and saving money. Bastard.
Dave probably has a very small penis. Given the amount of over weening over compensation that he indulges in, like pulling the wings off of a fly, I'd peg him at 2 inches MAX.
Arch, LOL! Thanks for that. I'm sure he's compensating for something. I watched office space again last night. That's too close to real life for me right now. What a funny movie.
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