Well, OK, the check was written by me, to me, and it would bounce terribly if I tried to cash it. One day it won’t.
There was what sounded like gunfire and a few bottle rockets that went off at midnight. I finished the last of my champagne and turned in at about 12:30.
2008 was not the best year for me - left at the altar, lost a really great girl, lost a really good job throwing a tantrum.
But that's all in the past.
May 2009 be a good year for us all.
Have a happy new year! :)
PS: 'lost a really good job throwing a tantrum'
That sounds like quite a story. :)
Decker, Yeah, that's a long story. Maybe I'll do a flashback post.
Short version: I thought the company was giving me and my colleagues the shaft. After a long discussion with management, they told me "well, there's nothing much you can do, is there?" And I replied, "yeah, there is - You'll have my resignation by the end of the day." And I gave it to them.
I'll drink to that!
Happy 2009, my dear... may it bring you riches (not necessarily the monetary kind) and much delight... :)
Thanks, JenBun. Happy new year.
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