Linda (group secretary) came by. I tried to have her wait, but she was insistent. I asked Steve to hold. “You need to see Dave, right now. He’s in the conference room.”
“OK” I said to Linda.
“Hey Steve, I think I am about to get fired.”
“What?” has asked incredulously.
“Yeah, things have been rough at the company for a while. And I pissed off my boss, big time. He just called me into a private meeting. I’m going to get the ax.”
“No way.”
“Maybe not, we’ll see. I have to go now. I’ll call you back later.”
I stood up, and got a head rush. My adrenaline was really pumping. I knew this was the end.
I walked into the conference room. “Are you going to fire me?”
Dave laughed and said “No, you’re not being fired.” He turned to a stack of envelopes on the table next to him and pulled one out with my name on it. “This is a layoff. If you were being fired, it would be because of the lack of work that you do, your poor results, hanging out in
I was being fired – this was a convenient way to do it. I sat down in a chair.
Dave looked at me and smiled. He was really enjoying this. “I’ve gone over the weekly reports, and you have only closed 2 cases in the past month. That is the lowest productivity of anyone here.”
I didn't blog it - I didn't think it was relevant, but at the beginning of the year (when the hatchet men came) Dave reorganized to group, and gave all the hard assignments to me and Eric - but he was feeding Eric a bunch of softballs to keep his counts up. I've got to admit, he was pretty clever about it.
I got 2 months of severance pay (which is really generous) and my final paycheck – less 8 days that I owed then for vacation days from my long vacation last year. I signed some documents which Dave pulled out of the envelope. I asked what would happen if I refused to sign. I was told that I would not get my severance check. I signed them, but didn’t really read them. One was stating that I would not sue the company for wrongful termination (surely that wouldn’t stand up in court.) Dave stuffed a copy of each one into an envelope that he gave me. He explained the termination procedures. I had one hour to clean out my desk, then I was to turn in my cardkey/badge, company phone card and credit card, laptop and all company papers. If I had anything at home I was to return it by this time tomorrow. Someone from HR would escort me until I was done.
I went back to my cube and called Steve back. “Yup. I was fired.” I said loud enough for others to hear.
“And I was there. What are you going to do now?” Steve asked.
“I am going to clean out my desk. Drive to the nearest bar, and have a drink. I don’t know… I guess I need to find a new job.”
“Bummer, dude.”
I grabbed a box and started shoving things into it. People started coming by the cube and asking what happened. I wasn’t in a mood to talk. I told them to ask Dave. I guess I was the first, but he had a stack of envelopes – there would be others.
“I’m going to the bar. You want to come?”
“Suddenly, I don’t feel all that motivated to work. I’ll join you.” Soon I had a group of about 10 that were all headed out early. Dave was going to have a tough time leading these guys now. There was genuine animosity toward the company.
Dave came by “Can I get your laptop now?” has asked. He was holding a form with asset numbers.
“Can I pull out some personal e-mails and contact information first?”
“Your access to the network has been suspended, your e-mail account is frozen.” I swear he was smiling. “I’m sorry, this is all company property now.”
I signed heavily, I handed him the laptop. What a bastard.
After packing up my office, I drove myself to the local watering hole. It was about 2:30 and the place was deserted. I ordered a glass of wine, then canceled it and got a cheap bottle. Since I am now officially unemployed I guess I need to start watching the pennies.
At about 3:00 Lynn and Linda came in, a few minutes later another bunch of people. It was a somber place.
“So who else got it?” I asked
“No one” said Linda. “You were the only one in our group.”
I smiled cynically. “I guess I’m special.” I was sure Dave had a pile of folks to lay-off.
“There were about 200 total for the whole company.”
“Why did he pick me? I’m better than most of the folks left. I mean I’m not bragging, but they come to ask me about how to fix things. I take on some of the hardest cases.”
“That’s not the reason why you got fired”
Don't know why I'm unhappy. I hated my boss, the job kinda sucked. I guess I'm just worried about getting a new job. Can't say I wasn't expecting it.