We went to Birk’s, a
After some idle chitchat and project status talk, he got to the point.
“So, Rich, you and Kristen have become fairly good friends.”
“Uh, yeah.” I was beginning to get a bit worried about this – but we had not done anything worth worrying about.
“I noticed that on Saturday you came to work with her.”
“Uh, yeah,”
“I also noticed that your car was in the parking lot overnight.”
“Uh, yeah.” Sometimes I’m a brilliant conversationalist. I really wanted to know where he was going with this before I said anything. I usually keep my mouth shut when I’m unsure of things.
“What you do on your own time is none of my business, and I’m not going to intrude on your personal lives. But I do have a responsibility to the investors of the company that we not expose then to any unnecessary liability.”
“Rich, I want you to come to me if you ever feel there is any inappropriate pressure from anyone in management.”
“Rich, do you feel that Kristen has created a hostile work environment for you or has she made any unwanted sexual advances towards you?” He seemed to emphasize the word “unwanted.”
“No not at all.”
“You’re sure about this?”
“Yeah, I’m sure.” I was beginning to wonder if he was wearing a microphone and recording this for his legal team.
“OK, last thing – and I want you to be very clear on this – if that changes, if anyone creates a hostile work environment, or makes any unwanted sexual advances towards you – or anyone else in the company for that matter – I want you to come to me immediately.”
“OK. Sure.” I really wanted to joke, “so that you don’t get left out, right?” but I held my tongue.
“And, Rich," he said taking a more conversational tone, "next time you have a sleepover with Kristen, please try to be a little more discreet. Everyone in the office saw you two arrive together – it wasn’t hard to figure out what happened.” My blood went cold at the word “sleepover” it sounded so inappropriate coming from him. Kind of like a banker excusing himself to go to the “potty” – I know I’m just being paranoid – he couldn’t be reading my blog. No, not possible.
“Sorry, but I didn’t think it was a big deal.” I replied.
“Office romances tend to exacerbate office politics – which hurts morale and productivity. It really helps if fewer people know about it.”
“Um, just for the record – Kristen and I are not in a romantic relationship.”
“Oh?” he asked skeptically – obviously not believing my answer.
“No. She was recently dumped by her boyfriend (I almost said lover) and wanted some company. We had dinner and drinks and complained about our former partners.”
“And you stayed overnight” he said, stating and already established fact, “why?”
“We were drinking, heavily. Driving would not have been a good way to end the night. She has a guest bedroom. Nothing happened”
“I see. I heard about her boyfriend. So this was just an 80 proof bitch session?” He smiled – he looked relieved.
“Yeah. Completely innocent and platonic.”
Something tells me that this may have happened before with her and/or other employees. IMO, CEOs don't generally take an interest in things unless their bonus money may be threatened.
Be careful, laddie. I can't put my finger on it, but something is rotten in Denmark.
Hmmm, you work for an internet company and you wonder if they found your blog?
Arch, Yeah, I'll be careful.
Anon, well, I'm pretty careful about this - I use my own laptop when blogging, and not on company networks. I don't think they caould be monitoring me. I don't know.
totally busted!
Hmmm... interesting...
I'm also wondering about your last words in this post... "Completely innocent and platonic." I feel like, for me anyway, whenever I've said those words, they've led to a shift in feelings... sometimes suddenly.
That could just be me, of course... ;)
How is it that we both live in the Valley and we've never done HH? Boo!
Anon, I didn't do anything worth getting busted. I'll do the time, but I better get to do the crime first!
JenBun, probably not this time, if we were going to jump each other's bones we would have then.
Val, I bet we've been at the same HH sometime in the past couple of years - we seem to hit a lot of the same places. I keep waiting to have a wild encounter with a Filipino woman, and then read your blog about how you found this great blond surfer dude who lives in the valley. That would be so cool! =)
p.s. was that you at Tanqs last night?
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