Wednesday, June 17

The New Guy

I tried to find a visual for this post - but no. You'll see.

We hired a new guy at work. He's a Chinese guy. Went to U.C. Berkeley.

Nice guy.

His name is Hung.

I'm not making this up.

My favorite pick-up line used to be: Walk up to a pretty girl, look her in the eye, give her my most winning smile, and say "Hi, I'm Rich"

The new guy, he's gonna be my wing man. I can't wait.

We'll walk into a bar. Walk up to a pretty girl, look her in the eye, give her my most winning smile and say "Hi, I'm Rich, and this is my friend. He's Hung. You can have Rich, or Hung. Aw, hell, you're really cute, you can have Rich and Hung."

He's kinda old school Chinese, and shy. I'm not sure he's really up for it. But it'd be so damn funny.


ArchangelDecker said...


Thank you so much for posting that. You have NO idea of how badly I needed the laugh! :)

JenBun said...

Bwahahahaha!!! Hahaha! Ha!

This would totally work on me.


Anonymous said...

How come the cute girls get rich and hung?