Saturday, April 11

Delivery Service

Yesterday, Kristen and I snuck out of work for a long lunch. I drove Kristen up to Oakland and we picked up the kayak that she bought for Paul. You make a lot of friends when you have a truck. The kayak she bought him is really nice. She also bought all accessories to go with it. Spray skirt, paddles, pump, dry suit, dry bags, PFD – everything that Paul will need for his new hobby.

I took the boat and all the gear back to her house and unloaded it in her garage. His new boat weighs only 34 pounds. My kayak is 58 pounds, and 3 feet shorter – heavy, short boats go slower, you need to push more water out of the way. I get a better work-out (yeah, that's one way to look at it).

Neither Paul nor Kristen has a car that can carry a 17 foot long boat - this is going to be a problem for him if he's going to anything with the boat other than stare at it in the garage. He has one of those little nissan Z cars, and she has a convertible. But I agreed to take Paul and his boat down to Santa Cruz tomorrow. I have been paddling solo a lot recently (which is a piss poor idea) - it will be nice to have a paddle buddy for a change.


Petunia said...

Have fun today with the boy on the leash and no matter that he has that you don't have, be glad every day of your life that you are not him.

Rich said...

I'm not so sure that leash boy is all that bad off. Mostly because he holds the key to the leash. They're not married, they have no kids, not even pets. I sure they don't even share a lease or mortgage.

Compare him to the guy who has a 9 to 5 job that he hates, but needs to support a mortgage, wife, kids, and a cat. Whose life is worse?

The kept man is probably freer than most anyone I know. He can take off the leash any time he feels it getting uncomfortable.

Rich said...

Although, I must admit, I don't think he is respected by his lover. And that is a pitiable condition.

Anonymous said...

"Had a wife and kids and mortgage and cat, I went out for a ride and I never came back"

-Bruce Springsteen, "Hungry Heart"

ArchangelDecker said...

Actually, the lyrics to 'Hungry Heart' are:

Got a wife and kids in Baltimore, Jack
I went out for a ride and I never went back
Like a river that don´t know where it´s flowing
I took a wrong turn and I just kept going

Everybody's got a hungry heart
Everybody's got a hungry heart
Lay down your money and you play your part
Everybody's got a hungry heart
