Sunday, May 17

Food and Wine

I decided to work all this weekend. I have a new project and I thought it would do my image at work some good to put in some quality - and quantity - time with the keyboard. Saturday was a fairly busy day at the office with most people putting in some pretty long hours. I stayed later than anyone. Sunday was a bit more relaxed.

Sunday at about 2:30 in the afternoon I decided to knock off and go the food festival in Mt. View. There were only a few folks in the office. The festival is stumbling distance from my house and they have good microbrews and wines for sale. They block off a few streets and art and food vendors set up booths in the road. There is usually a decent set of entertainment with local Jazz artists and other musicians performing. It was a warm sunny day. We are starting to get into the summer weather pattern

Lynn liked to go to these festivals. I used to go with Sarah, Lynn, and Jim, and several other mutual friends. It’s a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I was starting to feel a better about things in general. I was beginning to think that I’m not such a pile of chopped liver after all.

It would have been nice to have someone to go with. I had thought of asking Teri, the office manager, but didn’t think of it until after Friday. She works normal business hours so she wasn’t in on the weekend. Maybe it was better not to, I wouldn't want her to interpret it as a date. Going alone was not that bad.

I was enjoying a good glass of chardonnay from a winery in the Santa Cruz mountains (a really good one, I highly recommend it if you can find it in your area), strolling down the street, enjoying the smells of good food being cooked. The sun was shining and all things were pretty good with the world.

And then I saw her – a wonderfully beautiful woman. She was walking arm in arm with a man. They were holding glasses of wine, their heads were held close to each other. They were smiling. There was an intimacy that you could see from 100 feet away. A closeness, a bond. They were lovers caught up in their own world. Oblivious to everyone and everything around them. It was Lynn and Tim.

I had been starting to gain weight, starting to eat, starting to sleep better again. Life was returning to normal, albeit slowly.

With one glance, that was all gone.



Petunia said...

No, no. It's just a set back which is to expected. It does not have to set you back to square one. Two steps forward, one step back. It is the process. Hold on tight and you'll get to the other side. You're still okay!

Rich said...

Petunia, Thanks, And yeah, I know, as M would say I'm being overly dramatic. It just hurt - a lot. And it was so unexpected. In a week or two I'll be back to where I was.

Inhale, exhale, just don't stop and I'll survive. Tonight it's absolut pain relief.

Maurizio said...

Rich, You are being a drama queen. We'll go out, get you drunk, get you laid, and you'll be fine.

And it's "Maurizio the Italian Love God", not "M"

Rich said...

Maurizio the Italian Love God, It's a date! And, uh, sorry about the shorthand - guess the first round's on me.

Petunia said...

I wanna go, too!

Rich said...

Petunia, excellent, a threesome!

OK I'm pretty close to drunk, so I'm gonna stop there. Before I comment something I'll regret.

I don't think I'll sleep tonight. Sorry for going all emo on you, but shit, this is fucked ip.

Rich said...

Uh, make that "Fucked up" not "fucked ip"

Valley Girl said...

Dude, seriously. How did I miss this? I live for wine festivals.

Petunia said...

You're among're still groovy! And you made me laugh so there ya go! And it really is fucked up but less fucked up than a month ago.

Rich said...

Val, they didn't advertise much outside of mountain view. I missed it last year (was living in Cupertino)

Petunia, Thanks.