I was once again in love, and I didn’t even know her name.
“What’s that red martini drink?” I asked Steve, the bar tender on duty at my favorite watering hole – Half Moon Bay Brewing Company. Maurizio and I were sitting at the bar looking out at the patio. After seeing Lynn and Tim together this weekend, I needed company and some 80 proof therapy. My new found love was a bonus. She sitting outside at the fire pit. There was an empty chair next to her.
“That’s a cosmo.” Steve replied to my query. You'd think I'd know that, given how much time I spend in bars.
“Give me one.” I asked “No, two, please.”
Steve proceeded to mix the drinks. It really didn’t look appetizing to me. It was a rather slow night, even for a Monday.
I took the drinks outside and sat down next to her. Glancing back in the bar, it became apparent that I was now the entertainment for Steve, Maurizio and some of the regulars as they all peered out the window to see how well I would do.
“Hello, you seem to be getting a little low there, I thought I’d bring you a fresh one.” I handed her the drink.
“Thank you,” she said with enthusiasm.
“Hi, I’m Rich.”
“I’m Jill, and this is my friend Cara.”
I nodded at Cara. “Oh, fresh drinks.” She declared and held out her hand toward me. She seemed a bit tipsy. I was planning to keep the drink for myself. But it seemed like the right thing to do was to give her the drink, so I handed it over with a smile and said. “Enjoy.”
“Thanks” Cara said “Rich, that’s just short for Richard?”
“Yeah, just.” I said. Cara seemed a bit disappointed, but Jill laughed. Would anyone really go around introducing themselves with their financial status? Cara's not so bright. I like that. I looked inside and gestured to Steve for a drink. He nodded and grabbed a pint glass and filled it with the IPA – good man.
After the waitress brought out the beer I complimented Jill on her shoes - a trick that was taught to me in college. Women usually take a great deal of interest in footwear. They really appreciate it when guys notice their nice shoes. It often works wonders. Frankly, I can't tell the difference between a mule and a slingback - and I have no clue what Jimmy Choo does to leather that makes it worth $12,000 per square foot - but women seem to be really into them. Next I complimented her hair, which was stunning. I brushed a strand behind her ear – just to see her reaction. She was starting to get leery as if I was there to pick her up (which I was). I chatted about the weather and other innocuous subjects, then I decided to rush things. Girls usually make up their mind in the first minute how far they are going to let you go. Yeah, you can spend months trying to change their mind – but in this case I decided it would be better to know sooner rather than later. So I dived in.
“Ah... Rich, ah... I’m kind of in this... thing with, ah... a guy.” She said.
Crash and burn. “Well, you can’t fault a guy for trying. But I’m sure someone as beautiful as you has this happen all the time.”
She tilted her head down and laughed dismissively. “No, not really.” She was flattered – which was my goal.
“You’re just trying to make me feel better, huh? Anyway, enjoy the cosmo. And make sure that, 'ah... guy' takes good care of you. It was nice to meet you Jill, and Cara.” I then took the walk of shame back to the bar.
“Oooh, Rich, I thought you had that one.” Steve said. “Here’s one on the house.” He passed me another IPA. Maurizio patted me on the back.
"I need a girlfriend.” I lamented.
“Why?” Maurizio asked. “They don’t seem to bring you a lot of joy lately.”
“Yeah they do. It’s the lack of a girlfriend that’s pissing me off. It’s when they stop being girlfriends that’s the problem.” We talked for a while, and I noticed a girl at the corner of the bar that kept making eye contact. “Hey Steve,” I called out, “Can I get one of what she’s drinking?” She was finishing a pint of beer, probably the lager.
I took her a fresh beer. She smiled at me and thanked me. I was quickly shoved from behind. “Hey, she’s with me.” I turned to see a guy who was about twice my size. And he was kinda angry. I really hadn’t noticed that anyone was with her.
“Sorry, I was just bringing her a beer.”
“Yeah, well I can get her all the beer she needs. Now get out of here.” He stuck out his chest and stood between me and her.
“OK, ok, I’m sorry” I held up my hands and backed off. Glen (the manager) was there ready to break up the possibly impending bar fight. He’s a small guy, but he knows how to handle himself. I was not going to fight this guy, he could have squashed me like a bug.
I sat back down with Maurizio. “That’d be 0 for 2” he said. The girl mouthed “thank you” and “sorry” at me across the bar when her date wasn’t looking.
I went 0 for 3 last night, and had a few too many - which was kinda the plan. There is a decent motel about a block away on highway 1 that’s pretty inexpensive. I spent the night there.
" Would anyone really go around introducing themselves with their financial status?"
They do in the Washington DC area, I swear to God.
"“Yeah they do. It’s the lack of a girlfriend that’s pissing me off."
I'm going to try and say this as delicately as I can, however, I apologize in advance if it comes across as unnecessarily harsh. :)
/deep breath
From what I have read, you seem like a highly intelligent, capable, head on straight, responsible, healthy man. These are admirable qualities in a man, IMO, quite frankly, I think you need to cut yourself some slack. Whether you have a GF/SO/DW makes no difference. You are still at your core, Rich, the FoodTV watching, paddling, code junkie that you were before.
I have suspicions that the *REAL* reason you keep running into these (quite frankly) wing nut deluxe females is that deep down you think you don't deserve to either be happy and/or deserve someone who is pretty, intelligent, can communicate with you and/or put up with your shit.
Been there, done that, took the scenic route, became a tour guide. :)
Again, my deepest apologies for the harshness and tone of my comments.
At least you are putting yourself out there. Hopefully when you find her she won't be drunk in a bar.
Arch, That's funny about the DC folks. I never would have thought.
As for the girlbuddy - mostly its that it felt sooo good to be in love. It was wonderful with Sarah, and even better with Lynn. I want that again. Partly, its hormonal - I'm a guy. And, yeah, I'll admit theres a bit of ego there, too - but mostly because it's had the shit kicked out of it recently. The person whose opinion I valued most tossed me aside like a used kleenex. Dammit, I could use some ego massaging.
Petunia, well - the odds seem to favor that.
Dude, at least you had enough class not to hit on Cara after Jill shot you down. I thought you might.
Anon, Dude, give me a little credit.
"As for the girlbuddy - mostly its that it felt sooo good to be in love. "
Question for you then.... (and this has the usual riders of you can tell me to fuck off and die in a chemical fire, there is no way you are answering this :P)
Do you really want to be in love again, or are you just addicted to the FEELING that love brings?
"As for the girlbuddy - mostly its that it felt sooo good to be in love. "
Question for you then:
(Attached with the usual riders of you reserving the right to tell me to fuck off and die in a chemical fire, this is NONE of my beeswax :P)
Do you *really* want to be in love again, or are you just addicted to the feeling of being in love?
Arch, I don't think it's an addiction. And, yeah, I would like to be in love again. And I'd like to be loved. And I know I'm not over Lynn - and nothing will work until I am. Grrrr.
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