...and I liked it
Cue that overplayed Kate Perry song.
Maurizio always thought it ironic when I hummed that.
Anyway, it’s the day before Christmas Eve. I just got home from work. The last week has been so hectic with the extra assignments at work, last minute Christmas shopping and such. Today, work was very quiet, only a few people were in. I am pretty low on vacation time (I used it all up, and then some, last month on my highway 1 adventure) so I’m in all this week and next. Lynn was in as well.
It was about 6:00 and the office was empty except for Lynn and me. Most of the lights were turned out – not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. I was about to head out. I packed up my bag with the laptop and papers, and walked down to Lynn’s cube.
I smiled at her, “Merry Christmas.” I leaned against the cubicle doorframe.
“You doing anything fun?” She asked
“I’ve been too busy to plan. I think it will be a quiet Christmas. Scott went to visit his folks in Yakima. Jason is spending the next week in San Diego. So I have the run of the house. I need to pick up a roast. I’ll cook it and have a nice dinner.”
“By yourself? Come over to our place. Jim’s having some friends over, but you’re always welcome, you know that.”
“Thanks,” I looked down "I always cook a roast on Christmas, and make a Yorkshire pudding in the fat.”
She wrinkled her nose. I guess that sounded really gross – but actually it is very decadent. It didn’t seem like the time to explain it to her. “I’ll be fine. Thanks for the offer. You should head home soon. It’s Christmas.”
“Yeah, I have a few things to pick-up. I’m going now.” She threw some things in her bag and stood to leave. She walked over to the door of her cube, but left her bag and purse behind.
She stood in the door facing me. She gently leaned forward. “Kiss her, you fool” I thought to myself. I really wanted to. We were standing under the mistletoe. She had never been more beautiful than right now. I put my arms around her, pulled her close and kissed her like I meant it. I think I surprised myself as much as her.
She kissed me back. She was serious, too.
“I’m tired of playing by the rules” I said. I kissed her again. I came up for air, and wondered what to do next.
The first thing that I could think of was “that was a dumb thing to do”. She is engaged, living with another guy, genuinely unavailable. What do I say now? I probably just screwed everything up with her. And she's my best friend on the whole planet.
OK, so who saw this coming? Was it obvious?
“You have a wonderful Christmas” I said to her, stepping back.
“I was wondering if you’d ever get around to doing that” she said.
“Was it obvious?” I asked.
“I’ve told you before, I can read you like a book.” She smiled coyly “Thanks”
“Any time” I replied – trying to be smart.
She picked up her bag and we walked out to the parking lot. She put her arm around me as we walked - until we were in sight of the security guard at the back door. I walked her to her car. She turned to me and kissed me again.
“You’re sweet, Rich” she said. “Merry Christmas”
She got in her car and drove off - home to Jim.
"OK, so who saw this coming? Was it obvious?"
From a mile away...
And I wouldn't discount her rethinking some things. :)
Let's just hope I didn't muck things up.
I thought you didnt listen to pop music?
I don't - but that song is all over the place. I first heard it on spike TVs "Guys Choice Awards". Kate Perry was singing it for Hugh Hefner, who was getting a lifetime achievement award for inventing naked women. Too funny. It kinda stuck with me.
Yes, guilty pleasure - spike tv. what can I say?
OK, I gotta tell you-- I read this over the holidays, and I was JUST going to comment and then I got called away and couldn't get back to it and blahblah.
I'm a bad bloggy friend. You should yell at me! (Haha, no you shouldn't.)
Anyway, this is kind of exciting. But you haven't told us how you FEEL. (Well, you have kind of given glimpses...)
I wouldn't say this is a surprise, but it is a big development.
I have to read more-- I'm so behind!-- to see if there is anything else I need to say. About your life. ;)
JenBun, Yeah - exciting huh?
How do I feel? I'm a guy, I don't talk about my feelings. Well, OK, in my blog - um I think I'm in love - but she doesn't seem to want to get away from Jim. But she seems really inviting to me. This confuses me. If she really wants to stay with Jim, I'll wish them the best. Hhhmph.
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