I got myself an IPA, which is my favorite of their regular lineup of beers. I ordered some calamari and the fresh Ahi poke as starters. I hate mollusks and won’t eat them, but Maurizio can’t get enough of the HMB calamari. I’ve never understood why folks insist on eating stuff that tastes and chews like bicycle tires.
Maurizio snuck up behind me. "Hey Rich!" he roared. "How’s it going? It’s been too long."
"Hey" I answered, stood up to shake his hand. He gave me a big bear hug. I gave him the armagnac. "Merry Christmas".
He handed me a bottle wrapped in a bag. He sat down next to me and immediately pointed out an attractive couple near the end of the bar. She was a very big haired blonde – I’ve never been attracted to blondes, but she was – I’ll have to admit – quite attractive. Her date was a well dressed heavy set guy, more muscle than fat.
"What are you looking at the eye candy for?" I asked "I though you had a new love."
"I do. I love the start of a new affair. You always get dressed up for each other, always doing nice things. You hold in your farts."
"You’re such a romantic."
"You know what I mean. There’s that sizzle when you see each other, the sexual tension – before you start to take each other for granted. I’m hooked on it." He was enthused.
"And then it ends." I said glumly.
"You know how to bring down a party." Our appetizers arrived. He dug into his calamari. The poke was great. The food here isn't all that great, but there something about the atmosphere and the friends that makes it seem so tasty. It's hard to get good poke outside of Hawaii, and these guys do a pretty good job.
"I remember when I started dating Sarah. She used to come over to my apartment and we would make out on the couch. Sometimes for hours – not even have sex, just kiss passionately until the sun started to come up. The next day I could smell her on my shirt and on the sofa. Not just her perfume, but her. It was so wonderful" I paused. "Now sometimes I get a faint smell of something like that. It takes me back. I get an incredible emptiness inside. I could just cry."
"That…" Maurizio paused to take a sip of beer. "That," he started again in an accusing tone "is the gayest thing you have ever said to me."
And Maurizio should know. As he is the gayest person I know. Actually, that’s not fair. He is not flaming – you can’t tell by talking with him or watching him what his preferences are in the bedroom. But he doesn’t hide it.
Maurizio went on to tell me about his new lover, Stuart. He was 23 and getting his MBA from Golden Gate University. A hardbody – all Maurizio's lovers are. Maurizio went on about his new beau for all through dinner and then some. He is truly infatuated, and happy.
Maurizio has the body of a Greek god, and a strong chiseled face. Some guys get all the luck. And it’s wasted on him. He gets phone numbers from girls all the time. I’m serious, they just walk up to him and hand ‘em over. That has never happened to me.
He is taking Stuart up to Allison’s cabin, a small cozy spot with a view of lake Tahoe on the Nevada side of the border. I was there with Sarah last year and it is incredibly romantic. Maurizio will have a great time.
Sonya Jason was playing yesterday. After dinner Maurizio and I went inside to listen for a while. She's pretty good.
"You know what I mean. There’s that sizzle when you see each other, the sexual tension – before you start to take each other for granted. I’m hooked on it."
One of the ways I try to hold onto that is to take note of couples in public who obviously take their partner for granted. It's easy to lose if you aren't paying attention.
Hang in there.
Decker, Yes, that sizzle is wonderful. Keep it fresh.
Hee hee hee... sounds like you had fun with Joe/Maurizio TILG! I thought that might be the case when he mentioned that about "you tell them or I will"... :)
Those feelings in the beginning are the best!!
JenBun, yeah, Joe/Maurizio has a lot of man-dates, just not with me. I'm not his type. I'm not pretty enough. And he's not my type - wrong plumbing. So it pretty much works out. We do have a great time together.
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