Did you ever google an old flame, just to see what happened to them?
Yes, it's snoopy and needy, and all kinds of other bad things - and a waste of time. But I did it. The hot girl from college - who was waaaay out of my league. Yes, she dated me a few times. And it was really nice. I knew she wouldn't stay with me, but I enjoyed it while it lasted. She has a pretty unusual name, so she came up on page one of the search, all these years later.
And there she was, in pictures with some guy. Over and over again, the same guy. Pictures taken at charity events, where they clearly were significant donors - enough to be noted in the local papers and websites. It wasn't her father, but he was old enough. Clearly an item - although she still has her maiden name. Married or not, who knows.
Then I googled him. He's wealthy. Not Forbes 500 wealthy, but enough to provide very well for those around him. He's well connected in the community. And 18 years older than her.
She looks happy (and still very sexy) in the pictures. I'm happy for her.
You seem just a bit jealous
I've done it. It can be very interesting.
Marizio, perhaps, a bit. But I am also comforted knowing that even 18 years from now there is the remotest of possibilities that I could still have a girl as hot as N. It could happen.
Rawbean, yeah, google is great for snoopy people.
I looked at the pic. I noticed "old girlfriend" and "I'm feeling lucky". :D
Anon, cute - and not intentional. But, it rarely works out that way - at least in my experience.
Oh my, is our friend Joe/Maurizio starting a blog too?!?
How fun!
(And great title, M-- start writing!!)
Rich, everything works out for a reason...
I'm sure you are destined for something even BETTER!
(And now I have to go catch up!)
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