The last few years I have gotten away from doing a standing rib roast and have gone with a New York Steak loin (just think of a big slab of NY steaks all stuck together) 4 or 5 pounds of this makes a great roast. Very tender, and it’s much more flavorful than the fillet mignon – which I used to roast. Also, it renders a lot of fat which is great for cooking a Yorkshire pudding. It is amazingly good, but I do my arteries a favor and only eat this once a year.
This year, due to problems with getting to my favorite butcher and the wine store I have nothing ready to cook. In fact, the fridge is rather bare. The problem was work related (see yesterday's post).
I came home from an all nighter at work at about 3:30 a.m. Christmas morning. I slept until about noon. I opened a few presents from my parents and sisters – and felt a bit depressed. Tried to call my folks, but they were out somewhere. I took a walk around the neighborhood.
At 5 I started to think about dinner. The local safeway is open until 6, but I can’t bring myself to get a prepackaged roast or anything like that. I don’t even feel like cooking (which is weird - usually when I feel like crap, I want to cook). I really want to call Lynn. But only to ask her to come over – by herself. OK that would be a really bad idea.
About 8 I give in to hunger and look for something to fill my belly. The fridge is empty. The best option looks like some of Jason’s canned chili. Nalley’s. It looks like it’s made of meat by products and soy filler - Yum!. This is really sad. I make some sticky white rice (it’s a Hawaii thing, see: zippys ) and covered it with the chili and shred on some sharp cheddar, a bit of onion and some hot sauce. It’s strangely satisfying. I down it with half of a six pack of pale ale – a good match.

Alone for Christmas dinner. Christmas dinner from a can. I don't mind being alone - that was kinda the plan, but a can of chili for dinner...
Next year can only be better.
Merry Christmas all.
Next year can only be better.
It will be. :)
Merry Christmas, Rich. (I know it's late, but I felt it on the day, anyway!) :)
This year WILL be better!
I can feel it.
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