Tuesday, April 21

SWM ISO Travel Partner

I spent way to much of the day on hold with American Airlines, trying to get my money and frequent flyer miles back from a trip that I planned oh so long ago. Turns out, you can't get there from here. The best I could do was to get Lynn's name removed from one of the tickets and the chance to reschedule the flights to another day. I need to use them within the next 330 days - or I lose them. So, I still have 2 tickets to paradise - first class. Hmrph. I was able to cancel the hotels and get back my deposits.

I have exactly 11 months to find a travel partner who wants to go to Tortola.

While on hold, I composed this craigslist ad (well, I probably won't post it, but it was fun to think about it):

  • Angry, embittered man seeks like minded woman for week in the British Virgin Islands. Days to be spent with sun, surf and sand. Nights will involve fine dining and alcohol abuse. You must have passport, bikini, and adventurous disposition. Must not have aversion to rum or sunscreen. My planned travel companion has made alternate sleeping arrangements. Send picture (not necessarily of yourself, just send a picture - you will be graded on originality, content, and creativity) and dates available for travel.

I did manage to use up the last of my Alaska Airlines miles and got a flight up to Seattle this weekend. Looks like it will be cloudy and cool up there. I'm looking forward to it.


Anonymous said...

Dude, post it on craigslist. Show us what comes back.

Petunia said...

Very funny ad!

Rich said...

Anon, I'll think about it. I loath personal ads. But it would be cool to see the responses.

Petunia, thanks.

Petunia said...

I agree! Place the ad. Will be fun blogging material!

Tiffany said...

Hi Rich, I'm Tiffany. I'm an underwear model. I'd really like to go to the british virgin islands with you. Cause, I'm a virgin. But I don't wanna be one any more. Can you help me with that? Tee hee. I think I have everything you're looking for - well, except for the bikini. I lost the top last year, I hope that's OK. I'm sending you a picture of me in my birthday suit. See you soon.

Love, Tiffany

Maurizio said...

Psych! Sorry, Rich - that last comment was me. There is no Tiffany. Cool ad tho. You should post it.

Rich said...

Tiff, May 2nd, 9:00 a.m. - American check-in counter SFO - be there.

Maurizio, you are a cruel, cruel, man.

Tiff, cancel that, you don't exist. (sigh)

ArchangelDecker said...

Dude, if I were 10 years younger and not married, I would totally take you up on that. :)

Violet said...

so have you posted it yet??? lol

Rich said...

Arch, don't let age get in the way - oh, but the whole hubby thing - yeah, that's a show stopper. Thanks for the thought, though.

Violet, well, I was going to post it, but now petunia wants to boycott the sex sections of craigslist. What's a boy to do?