I sleep 2 or 3 hours a night. Toss and turn for a couple of hours. I take brisk walks through the neighborhood, which relives some of the stress and gives me time to think. I also am doing a lot more paddling – solo. I know that is dangerous – but the best time to go is before work. I'm not going to find a paddle buddy who wants to get up at 4 something in the morning. I rarely sleep past 5:00. So I can get in a good 90 minute paddle, come home and shower and still make it to work before anyone else. Also, I’ve been throwing myself into my work. Pulling pretty long hours. Once I get into the zone, I can concentrate on work and not think about
/big hugs
This post reminded me of a saying I once saw... 'I don't miss him. I miss who I thought he was'.
Hugs to you, laddie. Breakups like that are never easy. Email me if you care to chat off blog. I'll be happy to lend an ear though Goggle Talk. :)
Thanks. Great quote. I though I knew her.
But maybe not so much. Our wishes and dreams blind us.
Petunia, yeah, I was blinded.
But you'll be alright. Clearer vision in the future is a gift we give ourselfves and only comes to us out what we did not see in the past.
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