I don't want a pill.
I want Lynn back.
I'm quite sure that my alcohol consumption over the past few weeks surely qualifies me as an alcoholic, too.
Good times.
Yet another blog by a heartbroken guy. Don't want to hear me whine? Press the "Next Blog>>" button up above.
You're on anti-depressants?
a happy pill alone doesn't work, it's a combination of a whole lotta things that will help. therapy is the first step. u obviously still don't see the real problem. u r not ready to.
Anon, No I just took their quiz. I'm not going to take any drugs over this (other than alcohol)
Anon2, Yeah, I figured it would take more than a pill. I've been missing the obvious (in a pretty big way), what is the real problem? Tell me, save me some time.
You need to find that answer yourself. If you read many of the cmments on your privious posts I think you have already been given several suggestions. It will get better but only you can go through the process of healing.
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