Spent the last few days camping, and making my way down the coast of Big Sur in central California. I spent the few nights before that in some really nice hotels, and a man can only take so much really good food and luxury - and if I ever get to that point I'll let you know. But, of course, there is the practical matter of being able to afford this trip down the coast. And I got in some good surfing, too.
Yesterday I met up with a nice group of folks surfing near my campsite on the beach. They were kind enough to invite me to their campfire and to dinner. I'm not sure their campfire was legal - there are a bunch of wild-fires going on here in southern California - and there are signs all over the park saying "no camp fires", but this was out on the beach near the water and the wind was blowing off-shore. Which blows any sparks out to sea - and creates great surfing conditions. They broke out a case of really cheap beer and we drank until the early morning. While I'm not a great fan of american beer, I graciously accepted their hospitality.
One of the girls needed to get to San Luis Obispo today and asked me to give her a lift. I kinda thought that maybe she wanted to spend some time with me alone, but while she was a bit tipsy she said, "I hope you're not the kind of perv that's going to ask me to blow you while you drive." mm-kay... Not that I wouldn't like it, but that kind of thing only happens to the guys who live in Penthouse Forum letters - so I won't be asking. "Nope, I'm not that kind of perv" I replied. I left her to wonder what kind of perv I am. She took a ride with me anyway.
It was nice to have some company on the drive. There's great scenery, but it was good to talk with someone. She made fun of almost all the music on my iPod and tried to figure out my life from the receipts in my glove box - gas, truck repairs, dry cleaning and laundry, too many from burger king, and a bunch from K&L wines in palo alto. She told me that I am anal, since I had the oil changed in my truck at almost exactly 5000 mile intervals, I have gay tendencies since I visited the dry cleaners almost every week - that shows that I cared way to much about clothes to be straight, and that I can not handle my money, as I often spent more than $50 on a bottle of wine. "There's lots of wine there for under $15" I protested. At which point she decided I am an alcoholic. Hmm, what do your receipts say about you?
Anyway, I dropped her off at the college in SLO, and then headed back to Morro Bay, where I found a not-too-expensive hotel - with free WiFi.
I'm going to wash out all the salt and sand out of everything I own.
It's good to back in civilization.

Quote: She told me that I am anal, since I had the oil changed in my truck at almost exactly 5000 mile intervals, I have gay tendencies since I visited the dry cleaners almost every week - that shows that I cared way to much about clothes to be straight, and that I can not handle my money, as I often spent more than $50 on a bottle of wine.
Oh, boy. Did SHE ever get that *wrong*!
To me, this means, you are responsible, you have clean clothes, and can pick out a decent bottle of wine instead of favoring the bachelor method of beer bongs.
IMO, she 'blew' the wrong thing. :)
Aww, thanks, that's cute.
I'm going to cut her some slack, though. She's only about 20 years old and probably is more comfortable with a beer-bong frat boy. She'll grow up some day.
She really did get wound up about a receipt she found for a 90 something dollar bottle of wine. She is convinced that the only difference between a $9 wine and a $90 wine is the label.
I tried to tell her that it was careful money management that allows me to buy such an indulgence. But she was not convinced.
Quote: She's only about 20 years old.
I figured as much. When you get past 30 like I am, you figure out who the d bags are a lot quicker than you used to! :D
PS: I am not sure what the liquor laws are in CA (I only lived there for a short time), but if it's allowed, check out http://www.sansebastianwinery.com/cart/display.php?last_page=search.php&catid=577
They are a local winery near my home town in Florida. Nothing is over 20 dollars and I love just about everything they put out. Mind you, the Fleur de Banc is no Dom Perignon, but good god Gertie, what *is*?! :D
why do you have wine receipts in your car?
why do you have wine receipts in your car?
Decker, Experience does have its rewards, and thanks for the wine shop tip.
Anon, Usually, I buy a bottle of wine for a party (or when visiting a friend) on the way there, I just pull the receipt of the bag and toss it in the glove box. So most of the receipts she saw were for pricier bottles that I've bought.
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