I just returned from a month long road trip. Well, 2 weeks and then another 2 weeks. The idea was to drive California’s state highway 1 from one end to the other. I did that and then some. Starting from Mountain View I drove down to Santa Cruz and picked up highway 1 north until it ended in the town of Leggett. I continued north to Gold Beach in Oregon. This trip took 2 weeks. You can make the drive in about 20 hours if you take it like a race car driver. If it weren’t for the need for a steady paycheck I could have taken 2 months. Lingered in Eureka for almost a week – I like that town, or maybe just the nice folks there.
One of my rules for traveling is that I do not stay or eat at a place that has a location within 25 miles of where I live. This rules out McDonalds, Starbucks, and Motel 6s. I make an exception for grocery stores – so stopping at a Safeway or 7-11 to load-up on provisions for the drive is OK – although I try to stop at the local stores if I possibly can. This makes for some great discoveries as well as the occasional disaster. Most of the times the disasters are when I find something touristy just off a main drag. When I look for where the locals go it is almost always a winner.
Once back in Mountain View (and after a week of cleaning up the crap that ad piled up at work), I drove to Santa Cruz again and went south this time to Dana Point where highway 1 ends in southern California. Then I continued south on 101 to La Jolla, where I visited my Aunt and Uncle. There I ran out of time, and had to come back from my life of leisure wandering and return to the world of the working. I did drive 5 down through San Diego to the border with Mexico, just cuz, before heading back home to Mountain View.
High point on the trip down south - catching up with my old friend Chrissy. Low point, well there wasn't really a low point (unlike like the northern leg, where there definitely was a low point). If anything, the first day in Santa Cruz. The staring point in Santa Cruz was a bit hard, but that was the whole point of the trip. You see, I recently became "un-engaged" – well, OK, dumped to put it bluntly. I’ll try not to get maudlin about it. This blog is not a whine-fest for poor-old-me, but – for now – this is a big part of who I am and part of what shapes my view of the world. So I’m not going to bury it either. Anyway, Sarah and I used to spend a lot of time in Santa Cruz – First real date, first week-end outing, I even proposed in Santa Cruz. Driving through the town I get this pit in my stomach – even though it has been almost 6 months. Folks say to give it a year. I know that you can’t try to be with someone who wants to be elsewhere. Although, it doesn’t seem to be getting any easier.

You saw a lot of gorgeous coastline!
Be gentle with yourself.
It just takes time...
Thanks, JenBun
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