Wednesday, July 1

Random Facts

I've learned about Heidi

- she's 32 years old. Hmm, past the nasty 29-30 transition

- she was married for 18 months

- she was a virgin until her wedding night - really!? today? in california? 'till her mid 20's - hard to believe, but that's what she told me. I'll take her at her word until she gives me reason to doubt her. Doesn't seem to have much of a libido, tho.


ArchangelDecker said...

Quote: Doesn't seem to have much of a libido, tho.

Give it time. :)

She may be one of those types of females that has to be in a relationship before she can go there.

Just because she isn't dry humping you in the parking lot doesn't mean she's interested! :D

Rich said...

Of course, I'll give her all the time she needs.

Sometimes those repressed girls can be a lot of fun, once they cut loose.

But, then again, there's a lot to be said for a girl who will dry hump me in the parking lot. Actually, that's never happened to me.

Petunia said...

Repressed? You call her repressed because you haven't gotten laid yet? And here you had me thinking you are a gentleman. Did you ever think that maybe you have finally met a woman who knows how to say no and knows what she wants and when she wants it? (this is the nice version of my comment)

Rich said...


I'm sorry I've offended. It was a facetious comment. I'm sorry you did not take it in the manner it was intended. You're quite quick to brand me an evil person.

I don't think of her as repressed. I don't think there's anything wrong with her - quite the contrary. But I also don't think she's physically attracted to me. Not because she won't put out. Because of the way she looks at me... the way her hand doesn't linger near mine as we share a coffee... the way she doesn't walk down the street closer to me than she would a colleague... the way she kisses me goodnight like she might a brother.

And this disappoints and frustrates me - more so because of my state of mine, not because anything wrong with Heidi.

Because right now, I just need to get a positive response from another human being. Because I feel like a plate of fucking chopped liver.

To this, my good friend Christy would say, "Sounds like a personal problem" - and yeah it is.

And I don't doubt that Heidi is picking up on this - and I'm sure it makes her even more leery of me.

Which, of course, means that dating her (or anyone) is completely inappropriate right now. It's just not fair to her.

She's invited me to her family's 4th party, but after that I shall politely bow out of her life - at least until I get my head on straight.

TMI, huh?

I don't know why I have this blog. This is stupid.

Bye all, Rich

Petunia said...

Oh...thank you for restoring my faith! I did not ever use the word evil as I do not think you are evil at all. I guess I was surprised by your choice of words because you are usually so respectful of women...even when they are totally disrespectful of you. Please accept my apology. Sometimes things written can be lost in translation, that is all. I think you are getting a postive response from her. She obviously likes your company. Maybe she won't be your next big love but for right now, she is good company for you.

AND, your blog is not stupid. If it was, I would not be reading it.

Anonymous said...

She goes for 10 years without having sex - assuming she has a sex drive - isnt that the definition of "repressed"? Not making a judgement, Im just saying.

JenBun said...

Rich, please don't be done...

We love you!!


Rich said...


What's stupid is to pour my heart out into a public forum like this. I'm not sure that I'm the exhibitionist that I thought I was - even if I remain anonymous.

I need to think about this.


Quite logical. I think Betsy's point centered on the difference between a healthy boundaries and pathological repression. Being raised a strict catholic, I know more about the latter than the former.


Thanks so much for the kind comment. I'll blog, for now.