Ah, but according to California State Law, Prop 8 constitutes a constitutional revision, and as such, needs to be put through both the House and the Senate BEFORE it gets put to a gen pop vote.
Since the CA Supreme Court has already said that such a ban is unconstitutional, and infringes upon the rights of people who are gay.
What I don;t understand is, with the economy in the crapper, a war we can't get out of, and unemployment skyrocketing, people are worried about Ted and Larry making a wedding registry at Target?!
Trail of Crumbs - a reccommendation from Maurizio, about food and relationships - plus the author is the hottest iron chef judge. Looking forward to finishing it.
Wild Turkey Bourbon - 101 proof. A wonderful anesthetic for the soul. And it comes in really large bottles, too.
listening to...
19 - Adele - Can't call this pop, its more of a Blues Jazz fusion - a bunch of tasty tunes with good vocals and great sax riffs. Worth a listen.
You are gay
Nope, I just don't hate folks who are.
Ah, but according to California State Law, Prop 8 constitutes a constitutional revision, and as such, needs to be put through both the House and the Senate BEFORE it gets put to a gen pop vote.
Since the CA Supreme Court has already said that such a ban is unconstitutional, and infringes upon the rights of people who are gay.
What I don;t understand is, with the economy in the crapper, a war we can't get out of, and unemployment skyrocketing, people are worried about Ted and Larry making a wedding registry at Target?!
Decker, I hope you're right.
I just can't believe that there are so many hateful people in California.
One day we (America) will look back on this with shame.
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